Historically, new particles and forces have most often revealed themselves at high-energy particle colliders, or via their imprints on astrophysical and cosmological observables. However, certain phenomena both in and beyond the Standard Model manifest themselves at very small coupling, and are best studied in rare processes or via the weak effects they induce on precisely measured low-energy observables in the laboratory. I will first provide an overview of the general principles of precision instruments, including atomic/nuclear clocks, interferometry, and electromechanical resonators. Several of my proposals leverage present and near-future technology in these fields to detect large classes of motivated dark matter candidates or other new fundamental physics. In multiple cases, they have already set leading constraints, with parametric improvements on the horizon.
Zoom link: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1605020278?pwd=cHJ1bDRuK1FDNnZLSnpxVkZhcDQ3QT09