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Zoom coordinates: note the new link!!!
host: Derek
note taking: Shujie
1. Announcement
Reconstruction workfest: recon + cross cutting PID joint session
weekly vs biweekly:
Wouter: reach out to the PID group -- will do
alternating b/w recon and track recon discussion? -- not now
2. short oral updates on efinder
Daniel Brandenburg:
need to make progress on track-cluster matching e.g. figure out how to access specific information from association or new data model.
3. truth cluster association (discussion led by Derek)
John: pay attention to double-counting sim hits
Wouter: how to define the primary particle in the particle-cluster association? Do we need Klong?
Wouter: BIC: photon hit DIRC and create e+e- pair.
Peter: would be nice to know the original particle and also the track/vertex (where the shower particle comes from).
Dimitrii: do we need to keep all the HitContribution information? (concerns on storage)
conclusion: create multiple associations pointing back to primary particles state=1.
4. Ambiguity solver to remove duplicated tracks (Presentation by Barak)
the solver is now merged and used for both real and truth seed tracking. It changes the behavior of CKFTrack and all downstream algorithms.