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This is the weekly sync-up for the North-America BIC Simulation Team.
From Tegan:
I histogrammed the Detection y vs. x data (location where photons hit the SiPM face) with bin size equal to the pixel size (50 microns), then took variously sized subsets of the data I generated previously (200000 - 400000 events for each LG length, shape, etc.) to check what percentage of photons land on a pixel that's already populated. Attached are some examples of what that looks like for 10000 events and for 40000 events (thrown photons at the base of the LG). These particular examples are for a quadrant source.
The attached PDFs are linearity vs. sample size for LG b5. One is the full source at 50 mm length, one is a quadrant source at 50 mm, and the third is a quadrant source at 30 mm. The x-axis is the number of photons (the first plot is the number of thrown photons, probably not useful, the second plot is the number of photons hitting the SiPM, so the same as npe assuming perfect conversion, and the third plot is assuming a SiPM PDE of 50%, so just scaling the x-axis of the second plot by a factor of two), and the linearity is 1 - (# photons hitting occupied pixels)/(npe).
The curves don't look much different between the full source and the quadrant source for the 50 mm length, but the 30 mm length quadrant source does show slightly worse linearity for larger events.
Hi all,
I have a PSA from the Reconstruction WG: in a little over two weeks, the production team is aiming to begin producing the official pTDR simulation samples. To make sure the process is as smooth as possible, we ask that all DSCs (DSC conveners cc'd here) confirm their reconstruction parameters in EICrecon — especially the sampling fractions — by November 4th 11 am EDT.
Please send an email to me at dmawxc@iastate.edu indicating if they are adequate or not! If not, please let me know what needs to be fixed and we can help get it resolved!
Derek Anderson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Iowa State University