September 30, 2018 to October 5, 2018
Charles B. Wang Center
US/Eastern timezone

Diagnostic Software of Operation in the NSRRC

Oct 3, 2018, 3:30 PM
1h 30m
Theater Lobby (Charles B. Wang Center)

Theater Lobby

Charles B. Wang Center

Poster Operator-made tools and software Poster Session & Software Demo


Mr Changhor Kuo (NSRRC)


Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) have been opeartoed and opened for users two years. TPS is a 3 GeV electron energy, 518 meter circumference, low-emittance synchrotron storage ring which will offer one of the synchrotron x-ray sources, provide cutting-edge experimental facilities and novel multidisciplinary scientific research. Amount of instruments and devices these must be monitored and controlled by single operator. The diagnostic tools and softwares are effective to reduce operator loading. These software will be reported in this workshop.

Primary author

Mr Changhor Kuo (NSRRC)


Mr Tsungyu Lee (NSRRC)

Presentation materials