September 30, 2018 to October 5, 2018
Charles B. Wang Center
US/Eastern timezone

Reporting Incidents Using JIRA Software at Synchrotron SOLEIL

Oct 3, 2018, 3:30 PM
1h 30m
Theater Lobby (Charles B. Wang Center)

Theater Lobby

Charles B. Wang Center

Poster Operator-made tools and software Poster Session & Software Demo


Clément Tournier (Synchrotron SOLEIL)


Synchrotron SOLEIL is the 3rd generation French synchrotron light source. It has been in operation since 2007 providing photon beams to 29 beamlines with a maximum intensity of 500 mA, 5000 hours a year.

Since the beginning of 2018, the operation group has been migrating to JIRA Altassian Software as the unique tool for reporting failures. The tool was already used by the computing division for managing user requests, software evolutions, problems, etc. On the operation level, JIRA is already recording all to the demands of interventions and access to the tunnels. It provides a better interaction between the reporter and the support groups that are involved in the process of resolution. Anyone can report a failure related to the accelerators by creating a ticket. Here we will describe the workflow to manage an incident during its full lifetime and give a first operational feedback.
In order to make the reporting more convenient, a simplified web page has been developed by an operator. It procures an interface to anyone without knowledge of JIRA and allows us to free ourselves from errors by skipping unnecessary steps.
Automatic reporting is also made in case of failure occurring on injection or insertion devices. It is programmed in Python thanks to a JIRA plugin. Dashboards are available for all support groups reporting incident by severity level, which is a major asset compared to the previous logbook we used in terms of quality, interaction with people and review. It improves also integration between support, developers and operations.

Primary authors

Clément Tournier (Synchrotron SOLEIL) Mr yann Denis (synchrotron SOLEIL) Dr Laurent nadolski (synchrotron SOLEIL) Mr Jean-François Lamarre (Synchrotron SOLEIL)

Presentation materials