September 30, 2018 to October 5, 2018
Charles B. Wang Center
US/Eastern timezone

Improvement of Training System: Necessary and Sufficient Skills for New Operators

Oct 3, 2018, 3:30 PM
1h 30m
Theater Lobby (Charles B. Wang Center)

Theater Lobby

Charles B. Wang Center

Poster Training programs: structure, metrics, etc. Poster Session & Software Demo


Dr Tetsuhito Kaodowaki (Accelerator Engineering Corporation)


Not so many "entry level" operators, for example with one year of experience, have enough knowledges and skills for accelerator operator. Their supervisors require high level skills as ideal operator, whereas "entry level" operators have many things to understand, gain experience and so on, and have not enough time to study. In order to eliminate the distinction between them, optimization of skills level which are required as "entry level" operators and establishment of effective training method are needed. We have been revising skills checklist, training documents and on-the-job training system.
We defined "entry level" skills checklist as knowledges and skills which should be mastered within one year, and reconfirm all the items. Then we improve our instruction material so as to cover all the items of the checklist. In addition, we carried out second phase on-the-job training about 6 months after assignment in order to compensate for the lack of knowledges and skills based on the checklist.
However it takes plenty of time to see the effect of our activity, we will continue improving our training system step by step.

Primary author

Dr Tetsuhito Kaodowaki (Accelerator Engineering Corporation)

Presentation materials