September 30, 2018 to October 5, 2018
Charles B. Wang Center
US/Eastern timezone

Operations' Role in Reducing Errant Beam Loss in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Super Conducting Linac (SCL)

Oct 2, 2018, 4:00 PM
Theater (Charles B. Wang Center)


Charles B. Wang Center

Stony Brook University 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794
Oral Beam Diagnostics – operator tools and techniques Beam Diagnostics


Tim Southern (ORNL)


Errant beam loss in the SCL slowly degrades the amount of energy the RF cavities can reliably provide. Using a Differential Current Monitor (DCM) system, SNS has been able to reduce this loss significantly. Operators perform a key role in identifying and collecting data for events captured by the DCM system. The development and future improvements to the DCM system will be discussed.

Primary author

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