Jun 4 – 6, 2018
CFNS Stony Brook
US/Eastern timezone


We reserved a number of rooms at Holiday Inn Express, Stony Brook. The Holiday Inn Express located minutes away from campus.

The hotel provides shuttle service to and from campus every day, all day at  your request, and will drop you off at the Physics building.

Rooms include hot deluxe breakfast every morning

The special hotel rates for our event are at $119. Please reserve by May 5th to take advantage of the special rates! To reserve with our special rate, please use the Link here. As you pick the dates, the rate should be available. If not, call +1 877 666 3243 and provide group code CFS and booking number as they appear on the link.

Contact organizers if any problem booking or if you want a shared room, depending on demand.

Warning: only a few rooms are still available in this hotel!!!

Some SBU dorms may as well be available on campus. These dorms are housed in Chavez or Tubman Hall located near the Wang Center. The cost per night is $81.40 for a single room with linen (sheets, blanket, pillow, towels). Interested participants should register as "adult independents". Link to register:  Adult Independent registration link

Please be also aware of the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, which is located on campus. The rates for our event are $169, and do not include breakfast. Please reserve by May 4th to take advantage of the special rate. Guests should use this link in order to reserve their rooms, they will also need to reference the group code which is CFNS in order to complete the booking.