24 September 2018
BNL, Physics
US/Eastern timezone

Planning for the LCLS-II Data System: Requirements, Benchmarks and Design

24 Sep 2018, 11:00
room 1-224 (Building 510)

room 1-224

Building 510

Brookhaven National Laboratory Department of Physics Upton, NY 11973
Computing & Storage Computing and Storage


Dr Amedeo Perazzo (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


LCLS and SLAC have done extensive analysis to determine the facility computing needs over the next decade. Based on the set of experiments currently planned and based on today’s understanding of the computing and data requirements we estimated the computing demand from LCLS-II. This presentation describes the methodology adopted for deriving the computing rates, throughput and storage for LCLS-II, and how this methodology drives the design of our future data system.

Primary author

Dr Amedeo Perazzo (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials