The JETSCAPE collaboration is an NSF-funded multi-institutional project to create new event generators to simulate the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The JETSCAPE collaboration includes theoretical and experimental physicists, computer scientists, and statisticians, and has associate members in both theory and experiment.
The second JETSCAPE Winter School and Workshop will take place at Texas A&M University, January 9-13, 2019. The Winter School will be held January 9 through the morning of January 11, followed by the Workshop from the afternoon of January 11 through January 13.
The Winter School is aimed at PhD students and postdocs, in both theory and experiment. The focus of the Winter School is on the implementation of jet quenching and bulk calculations in the JETSCAPE framework, and its application to experimental data, including statistical analysis. The first version of JETSCAPE has been released to the public in spring 2018. The Winter School will consist of lectures on theoretical and experimental aspects of jets, jet quenching, and bulk dynamics, together with extensive hands-on practical sessions working with the JETSCAPE code. Attendance at the school is by application, and the number of attendees will be limited. Financial support to attend the school is available for PhD students and postdocs.
The goal of the following Workshop is to gather leading experts working in areas related to Monte Carlo event generators for heavy ion physics to discuss outstanding issues related to the design, implementation, and validation of the physics processes of jet production and jet quenching, including comparison with experimental data. A portion of the workshop will be dedicated to the implementation of various approaches within the JETSCAPE framework.