Jun 24 – 28, 2019
US/Eastern timezone
5th International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

The scientific program will be devoted to new developments in nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the latest data and theoretical results from the following subject areas:

  • The partonic structure of protons and nuclei, including spin, momentum and spatial aspects
  • Physics at low-x, using both weak coupling and strong coupling approaches
  • The physics of the initial stages in hadronic and nuclear collisions, including the approach (or not) to hydrodynamic and local thermal equilibrium, the role of strong initial magnetic fields, and transport properties (viscosity and vorticity)
  • Experimental data from colliders and fixed target hadron and deep-inelastic scattering experiments
  • Prospects for future facilities (Electron-Ion Collider, LHeC, FCC)

Talks will be arranged in both plenary and parallel sessions and there will be a poster session on Tuesday.

Plenary talks are 25'+5'

Parallel talks are 15'+5'

All slides should be in 4:3 aspect ratio

Posters should be of typical size (e.g. A0 format, 841 x 1189 mm) but there will be room for larger sizes.  They will need to be light enough to tape to a wall using masking tape.

Event ID: 39861

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA