Jun 24 – 28, 2019
US/Eastern timezone
5th International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

Probing initial stages with scale dependent observables of the QGP in sPHENIX

Jun 26, 2019, 4:30 PM
329 (Pupin)



Oral Future facilities Parallel: Future facilities


Rosi Reed (Lehigh University)


Our understanding of QCD under extreme conditions has advanced
tremendously following the discovery of the Quark Gluon Plasma and its
detailed characterisation in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC.
The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC will provide precision measurements of
jet, upsilon and open heavy flavor probes, complementing analogous
measurements at the LHC. The physics program enabled by these
measurements will advance understanding of QCD dynamics through all
phases of the collision, connecting the initial stage in which one
expects large temperature and parton density differences between
collisions at RHIC and LHC energies, to subsequent stages in which the
properties of scale sensitive probes can be further modified. We will
describe the current status of the sPHENIX detector and its physics
program, with an emphasis on the physics program enabled by the
experiment's large coverage, high rate capability and precision

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