October 5, 2019
US/Eastern timezone

The EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control Systems) Collaboration provides a rich set of Open Source software non commercial tools, libraries and applications developed collaboratively and used worldwide to create distributed soft real-time control systems for scientific instruments such as Light Sources, Neutron sources, various particle accelerators, large scale telescopes, experiment beam lines and other large scientific experiments. It is also now finding it's way into smaller labs and facilities worldwide.

The EPICS collaboration meetings provide a chance for developers and managers from assorted facilities to discuss their work and progress, and make future plans. This helps maximize the usefulness of any individual software effort and helps the entire EPICS  community. Every EPICS meetings helps this and gives the opportunity for better collaboration.


For information about  registration, transport and lodgings, see the main ICALEPCS website here:

Do not try to register via this site.

To register JUST for EPICS (or any workshop)

Go into the ICALEPCS site as "Sponsorship" Enter this code  Ical$0511@77

It will have Zero registration, then say no to meet and greet, banquet, tour

Say yes to the workshops and you can put their credit card in for just the workshop fee.