Lightning Session
- Timo Korhonen (European Spallation Source ERIC)
This presentation will give an overview of the FRIBs diagnostics devices including the software development workflow along with some of the tools created to help the support and maintenance activities.
retools is an EPICS module that allows PV aliases and info tags to be created based on specified regular expressions. This talk will briefly go over the use cases that motivated the development of retools.
There are new CPU cards for the VMEbus available with modern processors. These can replace the proven CPU cards like MVME6100/5500/3100/2100.
I will present the latest developments of EPICS 7 on QorIQ CPU's with SMP capabilities under RTEMS5.
The driver linac of the Facility of Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) contains 332 cavities which are controlled by individual FPGA-based low-level RF controllers. Due to limited hardware resources the EPICS IOCs cannot be embedded in the low-level RF controllers but are running on virtual machines communicating with the devices over Ethernet. An EPICS support module communicating with the devices...
The driver will use Linux i2c driver to communicate with NAT MCH and provide status readings for a MTCA.4 system. These will allow the user to monitor general health of the MTCA.4 chassis such as AMC temperatures, fan speed, etc. Statuses will be exposed as PVs which will allow the user to monitor trends and use them for predictive maintenance (e.g. system temperature is slowly rising) or set...
Conda is an open source package, dependency and environment management system. It runs on Windows, macOS and Linux and can package and distribute software for any language (Python, R, Ruby, C/C++...). It’s already used in the EPICS community for pvaPy for example. At ESS, we are investigating using Conda to build and package EPICS modules. The modules built are based on PSI concept of...
The NSLS-II Control System has workstations and servers standardized to the usage of Debian OS. With exceptions like RTEMS and Windows systems where software is built and delivered by hand, all hosts have EPICS development software installed from an internally-hosted and externally-mirrored Debian package repository. The sysv-rc-softioc toolkit is used to manage deployments locally. Configured...