7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

TMD parton densities from LaMET

7 Sept 2020, 10:00



Dr Yizhuang Liu (TDLI)


TMD parton densities are important for its theoretical value and for better understanding of Hadron structure. The first principle calculation of them from LaMET framework turns out to be non-trivial due to problems caused by soft function subtraction. In this talk I will talk about recent progress on lattice calculation of TMD soft functions and parton densities from the LaMET framework. I will show that the TMD soft function in off-light-cone regularization scheme can be extracted from heavy or light meson form factors, and with the help of the soft function, the universal scheme independent TMD-PDFs cane be obtained once combining them with lattice calculable quasi-TMD PDFs.

Primary authors

Prof. XIangdong Ji (UMD) Dr Yizhuang Liu (TDLI) Dr Yu-Sheng Liu (TDLI)

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