7–11 Sept 2020
Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)
US/Eastern timezone

The 2020 Meeting on Lattice Parton Physics from Large-Moment Effective Theory (LaMET2020) has been moved online and becomes a joint event by Center for Nuclear Femtography (CNF) at SURA in Washington DC and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (CFNS) at Stony Brook University/Brookhaven National Laboratory. The meeting will take place from Sep. 7-11, 2020, and registration is open now at https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7252, and abstracts can be submitted for presentation. The deadline for abstract submission is Aug. 16, 2020.

Large-momentum effective theory (LaMET) is based on the field theoretical realization of Feynman parton model in which PDFs are momentum distributions of quarks and gluons in an infinite momentum hadron state. One can calculate the momentum distributions in a hadron with finite but large momentum, and expand the results systematically.  The leading term is the PDFs after proper field-theoretical matching and running. LaMET data can also be analyzed in coordinate-space factorization approaches to get moments of PDFs or x-distributions through phenomenological parametrizations.  

Due to the current situation with Covid-19, LaMET2020 will be held using Zoom video conferencing and a Slack working space for participants to interact with each other. Zoom and Slack will be open to registered participants only. To accommodate participants around the world, talks will start 9:30am and end at 12:00pm in US EDT on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We will first consider talks on newly published works, and priority will be given to postdocs and advanced students.


Meeting ID: 861 8656 7243

Meeting Link (click here)

Passcode: 374199

Click here to join Slack

If you have any question, please contact with Dr. Yong Zhao (yzhao@bnl.gov).

Previous workshops in this series:

Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY. April 17-19, 2019

College Park, MD. April 6-8, 2018

Beijing, China. July 14-16, 2017

Shanghai, China. December 17-18, 2016

College Park, MD. March 30 - April 2, 2014

Shanghai, China. November 2-4, 2012

Center for Nuclear Femtography (SURA) and Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (SBU/BNL)

There will be 4 days of meeting and one day of break. Each long talk will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions, while the short ones will be 10 minutes plus 2 minutes for questions. The schedule for a day with talks will be in US Eastern Time as:

9:15am - setup

9:30am - 11:00am, Session I

10:00am - 11:20am, coffee break, discussion

11:20am - 12:10pm, Session II.

These time periods correspond to (6:15am - 9:10am, West Coast US),  (15:15pm - 18:10pm, Europe),  (9:15pm - 12:10am, China).

Registration for this event is currently open.