23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Nonperturbative renormalisation for low moments of light-meson distribution amplitudes

27 Jun 2014, 17:30
301 Pupin

301 Pupin


Jonathan Flynn (University of Southampton)


We discuss nonperturbative renormalisation of the leading-twist flavour non-singlet operators needed for the calculation of the first and second moments of light-meson distribution amplitudes. On the lattice we use a regularisation-independent symmetric (or non-exceptional) momentum scheme, RI/SMOM, which, for the second moment, allows us to include mixing with a total-derivative operator. We calculate the conversion functions needed to connect the RI/SMOM results to MSbar.

Primary authors

Jonathan Flynn (University of Southampton) Thomas Rae (Mainz University)

Presentation materials