Jacob Finkenrath
(University of Wuppertal)
Most of today's lattice simulations are performed in the isospin symmetric limit in the light quark sector. A technique with moderate numerical cost to include effects of isospin breaking in the sea quark sector is mass reweighting. We will give a summary of the recent results on fine lattices with light quark masses.
In general reweighting corrects the weight of an ensemble which is sampled by a specific algorithm. In the case of mass corrections the reweighting factor is a ratio of the fermion determinants. The evaluation of this factor for which we use stochastic methods and the factor itself introduce fluctuations which increase the statistical uncertainties. We will show the quark mass and volume dependence of these fluctuations in the case of isospin breaking. Towards the physical light quark masses the effect of the correction increases and can have a significant impact for precision measurements in the light quark sector.
Primary author
Jacob Finkenrath
(University of Wuppertal)
Björn Leder
(University of Wuppertal)
Francesco Knechtli
(University of Wuppertal)