23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Electromagnetic matrix elements for excited Nucleons

26 Jun 2014, 16:15
301 Pupin

301 Pupin


Mr Benjamin Owen (University of Adelaide)


Over the past decade there has been significant experimental interest into the electromagnetic excitation of nucleon resonances and their underlying structure. Given the large body of data that now exists, it is interesting to consider the expectations presented by QCD. Correlation matrix techniques present us with the ideal approach to extracting matrix elements of hadronic excitations. Following our recent success in identifying the underlying structure of the Lambda(1405) using this approach, we now consider the nucleon sector. In this talk we shall outline the method and present first results for the low-lying nucleon excited state spectrum in the positive and negative parity channels.

Primary author

Mr Benjamin Owen (University of Adelaide)


Mr Benjamin Menadue (NCI, Canberra and University of Adelaide) Prof. Derek Leinweber (University of Adelaide) Dr Selim Mahbub (University of Adelaide) Dr Waseem Kamleh (University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials