23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Monte-Carlo study of the phase transition in the AA-stacked bilayer graphene

26 Jun 2014, 15:15
Pupin 214

Pupin 214

Talk Applications Beyond QCD Application beyond QCD


Mr Alexander Nikolaev (Far Eastern Federal University)


Tight-binding model of the AA-stacked bilayer graphene with screened electron-electron interactions has been studied using the Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations on the original double-layer hexagonal lattice. Instantaneous screened Coulomb potential is taken into account using Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation. G-type antiferromagnetic ordering has been studied and the phase transition with spontaneous generation of the mass gap has been observed. Dependence of the energy gap on the on-site electron-electron interaction is examined. It is found, that the energy gap vanishes at some finite value of the on-site interaction potential, which differs from the dependence, predicted by the mean-field approximation.

Primary author

Mr Alexander Nikolaev (Far Eastern Federal University)


Dr Maksim Ulybyshev (Regensburg University)

Presentation materials