23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Phase diagram of non-degenerate twisted mass fermions

23 Jun 2014, 14:35
140 Uris

140 Uris

Talk Chiral Symmetry Chiral Symmetry


Derek Horkel (University of Washington)


In this talk, I will summarize recent work with Prof. Stephen Sharpe in mapping out the phase diagram and pion spectrum for chiral perturbation theory with twisted-mass fermions in the presence of non-degeneracy between the up and down quark and discretization errors. I will show how the CP-violating phase of the continuum theory, which occurs for sufficiently large non-degeneracy, is continuously connected to the Aoki-phase found in the lattice theory with degenerate quarks. Both for the Aoki-phase and first-order scenarios, this results in a critical surface along which at least one of the pions is massless. In the pion spectrum, I will focus mainly on the maximal twist case, where there is competition between the effects of non-degeneracy and twist-dependent discretization errors, resulting in a complete breakdown of isospin symmetry with all three pions having different masses. This breakdown of isospin symmetry should be a useful indicator of the size of discretization errors as simulations with twisted-mass fermions move to non-degenerate masses. Lastly, I will show numerical results for the effects of higher order terms on the phase diagram and the pion spectrum.

Primary author

Derek Horkel (University of Washington)


Prof. Stephen Sharpe (University of Washington)

Presentation materials