23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Beyond the Standard Model Kaon Mixing from Mixed-Action Lattice Simulations

24 Jun 2014, 14:15
214 Pupin

214 Pupin

Talk Physics Beyond the Standard Model Physics beyond the standard model


Mr Maxwell Hansen (University of Washington)


We calculate matrix elements for beyond-the-Standard-Model contributions to neutral kaon mixing from mixed-action lattice simulations with staggered sea quarks and domain-wall valence quarks. We analyze the (2+1)-flavor MILC asqtad ensembles with multiple light sea-quark masses corresponding to staggered pions as light as 220 MeV on three different lattice spacings a ~ 0.12, 0.09, and 0.06 fm, and extrapolate our data to the physical light-quark masses and continuum using mixed-action chiral perturbation theory. We renormalize the matrix elements using mean-field improved lattice perturbation theory at one loop to obtain continuum values in the MS-bar scheme. Once our analysis is finalized, our results will help to improve constraints on new physics from experimental measurements of neutral kaon mixing.

Primary author

Mr Maxwell Hansen (University of Washington)


Jack Laiho (Syracuse University) Ruth Van de Water (BNL)

Presentation materials