23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Evidence of BRST-Symmetry Breaking in Lattice Minimal Landau Gauge

24 Jun 2014, 18:10
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Board: 7
Poster Vacuum Structure and Confinement Poster session


Prof. Attilio Cucchieri (University of Sao Paulo)


By evaluating the so-called Bose-ghost propagator, we present the first numerical evidence of BRST-symmetry breaking in minimal Landau gauge, i.e. due to the restriction of the functional integration to the first Gribov region in the Gribov-Zwanziger approach. We find that our data are well described by a simple fitting function, which can be related to a massive gluon propagator in combination with an infrared-free (Faddeev-Popov) ghost propagator. As a consequence, the Bose-ghost propagator, which has been proposed as a carrier of the confining force in Yang-Mills theories in minimal Landau gauge, presents a 1/p^4 singularity in the infrared limit.

Primary author

Prof. Attilio Cucchieri (University of Sao Paulo)


Dr David Dudal (Ghent University) Dr Nele Vandersickel (Ghent University) Prof. Tereza Mendes (University of Sao Paulo)

Presentation materials