23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Dirac eigenmodes at the QCD Anderson transition

25 Jun 2014, 09:40
501 NWC

501 NWC

Talk Nonzero Temperature and Density Nonzero temperature and Density


Prof. Tamas G. Kovacs (Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen)


Recently we found an Anderson-type localization-delocalization transition in the QCD Dirac spectrum at high temperature. Using spectral statistics we obtained a critical exponent compatible with that of the corresponding Anderson model. Here we study the spatial structure of the eigenmodes both in the localized and the transition region. Based on previous studies in the Anderson model, at the critical point, the eigenmodes are expected to have a multifractal structure.

Primary author

Prof. Tamas G. Kovacs (Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen)


Dr Ferenc Pittler (Eotvos Lorand University) Dr Imre Varga (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Mr Laszlo Ujfalusi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Dr Matteo Giordano (Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Debrecen)

Presentation materials