23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Conformal Lattice Field Theory on Spherical Manifolds

25 Jun 2014, 11:10
329 Pupin

329 Pupin

Talk Theoretical Developments Theoretical Developments


Dr Richard Brower (Boston University)


Lattice radial quantization is a nonperturbative method especially suited to numerically solve Euclidean conformal field theories. Tests are made for the critical surface of the phi 4th theory at the Wilson-Fisher critical point in 3D on R x S2 and in 2D on the Riemann sphere. Simplicial lattice using the Finite Element Methods (FEM) or Regge calculus discretization are need to obtain full conformal symmetry in the continuum. Possible applications to 4D gauge theories are discussed.

Primary author

Dr Richard Brower (Boston University)


Prof. George Fleming (Yale University) Michael Cheng (Boston University)

Presentation materials