Tomomi Ishikawa
(RIKEN BNL Research Center)
Neutral B meson mixing matrix elements and B meson decay constants are calculated. Static approximation is used for b quark and domain-wall fermion is employed for light quarks. The calculations are carried out on Nf=2+1 dynamical ensembles with lattice spacings of 0.086fm and 0.11fm, and a fixed physical spatial volume of about (2.7fm)^3, generated by RBC/UKQCD Collaborations. We employ two kinds of link-smearing and their results are combined in taking a continuum limit. For the matching between the lattice and the continuum theory, one-loop perturbative O(a) improvements are made to reduce discretization errors. We also show statistical improvements by the all-mode-averaging technique.
Primary author
Tomomi Ishikawa
(RIKEN BNL Research Center)
Christoph Lehner
Taku Izubuchi
Yasumichi Aoki
(Nagoya University)
amarjit soni