23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Tensor renormalization group study of the 2d O(3) model

26 Jun 2014, 14:35
329 Pupin

329 Pupin

Talk Algorithms and Machines Theoretical Developments


Judah Unmuth-Yockey (University of Iowa)


We study the two-dimensional O(3) model on the lattice using the Tensor Renormalization Group (TRG) approach, with the goal of understanding asymptotic scaling at both the large volume, and large beta limit. Harmonic analysis on the Boltzmann weight introduces a sign problem into the partition function, which makes the model difficult to study with the Worm Algorithm. The TRG is insensitive to the sign problem because it relies on projections onto eigenstates of positive matrices. Thermodynamic quantities are calculated for finite volumes, as well as the infinite volume limit, and compare well with Monte Carlo results. Prospects of parallelizing the TRG method to enable large scale calculations, which would aid in the computation of correlation functions, are briefly discussed, along with our progress on implementing these algorithms on the Blue Gene/Q.

Primary author

Judah Unmuth-Yockey (University of Iowa)


Haiyuan Zou (University of Iowa) James Osborn (Argonne National Laboratory) Yannick Meurice (University of Iowa)

Presentation materials