23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Improved currents for B to D(*) ell nu form factors from Oktay-Kronfeld heavy quarks

27 Jun 2014, 17:50
428 Pupin

428 Pupin

Talk Weak Decays and Matrix Elements Weak Decays and Matrix Elements


Jon Bailey (Seoul National University)


The CKM matrix element |V_{cb}| can be extracted by combining experimentally determined branching fractions for B to D(*) ell nu decays with form factors from the lattice. While successful, the precision of this approach has been limited by heavy-quark discretization effects. An improved version of the Fermilab action, the Oktay-Kronfeld action, can be used to reduce heavy-quark discretization effects in calculations performed at the physical bottom and charm quark masses. Treating charm and bottom quarks as massive, we carry out tree-level improvement of the flavor-changing currents through third order in the momentum expansion.

Primary authors

Mr Jaehoon Leem (Seoul National University) Jon Bailey (Seoul National University) Prof. Weonjong Lee (Seoul National University) Mr Yong-Chull Jang (Seoul National University)

Presentation materials