23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Vacuum alignment and lattice artifacts

26 Jun 2014, 15:15
301 Pupin

301 Pupin

Talk Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University)


When a subgroup of the flavor symmetry group of a gauge theory is weakly coupled to additional gauge fields, the vacuum tends to align such that the gauged subgroup is unbroken. At the same time, the lattice discretization typically breaks the flavor symmetry explicitly, and can give rise to new lattice-artifact phases with spontaneously broken symmetries. We discuss the interplay of these two phenomena, using chiral lagrangian techniques. Our main example is two-flavor Wilson QCD coupled to electromagnetism. We will briefly touch on theories with staggered fermions and composite Higgs models as well.

Primary author

Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University)


Yigal Shamir (Tel-Aviv University)

Presentation materials