23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Excited isovector mesons using the stochastic LapH method

25 Jun 2014, 10:00
428 Pupin

428 Pupin

Talk Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron spectroscopy and interaction


Prof. Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon University)


The spectrum of excited isovector mesons is studied using a 32^3 x 256 anisotropic lattice with u,d quark masses set to give a pion mass near 240 MeV. Results in the bosonic isovector nonstrange symmetry channels of zero total momentum are presented using correlation matrices of unprecedented size. In addition to spatially-extended single meson operators, large numbers of two-meson operators are used, involving a wide variety of light isovector, isoscalar, and strange meson operators of varying relative momenta. All needed Wick contractions are efficiently evaluated using a stochastic method of treating the low-lying modes of quark propagation that exploits Laplacian Heaviside quark-field smearing. Level identification is discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon University)


Brendan Fahy (Carnegie Mellon University) Dr Chik-Him Wong (University of California, San Diego) Dr David Lenkner (Carnegie Mellon University) Dr John Bulava (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) Prof. Keisuke Juge (University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA) Dr You-Cyuan Jhang (Carnegie Mellon University)

Presentation materials