23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Exploring the phase diagram of QCD with complex Langevin simulations

24 Jun 2014, 17:10
501 NWC

501 NWC

Talk Nonzero Temperature and Density Nonzero temperature and Density


Mr Benjamin Jaeger (Swansea University)


Simulations with a finite chemical potential typically lead to a severe sign problem, prohibiting any standard Monte Carlo approach. For simulations of QCD we use the complex Langevin method, for which we apply adaptive step-sizes and gauge cooling to ensure the convergence. We present preliminary results for heavy quark QCD and explore the application for two dynamical quarks.

Primary author

Mr Benjamin Jaeger (Swansea University)


Dr Denes Sexty (University Heidelberg, Germany) Prof. Erhard Seiler (Max Planck Inst. f. Physik, Muenchen, Germany) Prof. Gert Aarts (Swansea University, UK) Prof. Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu (University Heidelberg, Germany)

Presentation materials