23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Mesons upon low-lying Dirac mode exclusion

23 Jun 2014, 15:15
140 Uris

140 Uris

Talk Chiral Symmetry Chiral Symmetry


Mr Mikhail Denissenya (University of Graz)


We study the iso-scalar and iso-vector mesons under the exclusion of the low-lying Dirac modes from valence quarks with the overlap operator within the two flavour lattice QCD. We study mesonic correlators and extract states at each level of such low-mode truncation. Our observations support a simultaneous restoration of both SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R and U(1)_A symmetries. We finally observe a degeneracy of all isovector and isoscalar J=1 mesons that serves as an indication of some higher symmetry in the chirally restored regime.

Primary author

Mr Mikhail Denissenya (University of Graz)


Prof. Christian Lang (University of Graz) Prof. Leonid Glozman (University of Graz)

Presentation materials