23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Nucleon axial form factors from two-flavour Lattice QCD

25 Jun 2014, 12:10
301 Pupin

301 Pupin

Talk Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Dr Parikshit Junnarkar (Helmholtz Institut Mainz)


We present preliminary results on the axial form factor G_A(Q^2) and the induced pseudo-scalar form factor G_P(Q^2) of the nucleon. The relevant matrix elements were computed on CLS ensembles with N_f =2 non-perturbatively improved O(a) Wilson fermions at three lattice spacings, namely a = 0.050, 0.063, 0.079 fm. These calculations were performed with pion masses ranging from as low as m_pi = 195 MeV to m_pi = 473 MeV with box lengths ranging from L = 2.4 - 4 fm and up to a total of 4000 measurements on each ensemble. A systematic study of the contribution of excited states is performed by analysing the relevant matrix elements at several source-sink separations. Preliminary results on the axial radius r^2_A are also presented.

Primary authors

Prof. Hartmut Wittig (Institut für Kernphysik) Dr Parikshit Junnarkar (Helmholtz Institut Mainz)


Mr Benjamin Jaeger (Swansea University) Dr Dalibor Djukanovic (Helmholtz Institut Mainz) Dr Georg von Hippel (University of Mainz) Prof. Harvey Meyer (Institut für Kernphysik, Mainz) Mr Jiayu Hua (Institut für Kernphysik) Dr Stefano Capitani (Helmholtz Institut Mainz) Dr Thomas Rae (Institut für Kernphysik)

Presentation materials