Application beyond QCD: Parallel 7C
- Doug Toussaint
Application beyond QCD: Parallel 8G
- Eigo Shintani (Mainz University)
Benjamin Svetitsky
(Tel Aviv University)
26/06/2014, 14:15
Applications Beyond QCD
We have carried out a Schrodinger-functional calculation for the Abelian gauge theory with Nf=2 four-component fermions in three dimensions. We find no fixed point in the beta function, meaning that the theory is confining rather than conformal.
Daniel Körner
(FSU Jena)
26/06/2014, 14:35
Applications Beyond QCD
We study the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of the
nonlinear O(N) sigma model in two and three space-time dimensions
using a scheme that combines an effective local Hybrid Monte Carlo
update routine, blockspin transformations and a Monte Carlo demon
method. In two dimensions our results verify perturbative
renormalizability. In three dimensions, we determine the flow...
Maksim Ulybyshev
(Regensburg University)
26/06/2014, 14:55
Applications Beyond QCD
Tight-binding model of Graphene with vacancies in crystal structure was studied within the framework of Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations.
Antiferromagnetic ordering is observed in the vicinity of the vacant sites. Mass gap is extracted from the calculations of the two-point Euclidean Green function. It is demonstrated that even a relatively small concentration of vacancies can lead to opening a...
Alexander Nikolaev
(Far Eastern Federal University)
26/06/2014, 15:15
Applications Beyond QCD
Tight-binding model of the AA-stacked bilayer graphene with screened
electron-electron interactions has been studied using the Hybrid Monte
Carlo simulations on the original double-layer hexagonal lattice.
Instantaneous screened Coulomb potential is taken into account using
Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation. G-type antiferromagnetic ordering has been studied and the phase transition with...
Dominik Smith
(TU Darmstadt)
26/06/2014, 15:35
Applications Beyond QCD
We report on the status of our ongoing Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulations of the tight-binding model for the electronic properties of graphene, using a realistic potential for the two-body interactions.
Our short-range interactions thereby include the partial screening due to electrons in higher energy states from ab initio calculations based on the constrained random phase approximation...
Oleg Pavlovskiy
(Moscow State University)
26/06/2014, 15:55
Applications Beyond QCD
New formulation of path integrals for relativistic quantum systems will discussed. Influence of the relativistic effects on the properties of quantum systems will be studied by means of the Monte Carlo method. A generalization of this approach to the case the path integral quantization of the Born-Infeld field theory will also discussed.
Semen Valgushev
(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
26/06/2014, 16:15
Applications Beyond QCD
The results of numerical simulation of graphene effective field theory in external magnetic field are presented. The numerical simulation is performed using noncompact (3+1)-dimensional Abelian lattice gauge fields and (2+1)-dimensional staggered lattice fermions. The dependences of fermion condensate and conductivity on the dielectric permittivity of the substrate for different values of...
Emilie Huffman
(Duke University)
27/06/2014, 14:15
Applications Beyond QCD
We present a solution to the sign problem in a class of particle-hole
symmetric Hamiltonian lattice fermion models on bipartite lattices
using the idea of fermion bags. The solution remains valid when
the particle hole symmetry is broken through a staggered chemical
potential term. This solution allows, for the first time, simulations
of some massless four-fermion models with minimal...
Mateusz Koren
27/06/2014, 14:35
Applications Beyond QCD
We analyze 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory regularized on a lattice with twisted boundary conditions in the spatial directions. In previous work it was shown that the observables in the non-zero electric flux sectors obey the so-called x-scaling, i.e. depend only on the variable x~NL/b and the magnetic flux, given by the parameters of the twist (L being the length of the spatial torus and b...
Axel Maas
(University of Jena)
27/06/2014, 14:55
Applications Beyond QCD
The Higgs sector of the standard model, the Higgs and the W/Z bosons, is a quite peculiar theory. Because of the Higgs effect, in some cases the observable particles, i.e. gauge-invariant bound states, have the same mass as the elementary particles. This is what makes perturbation theory in the electroweak sector possible. Under which condition this holds true is not only important for...
Pavel Buividovich
(Regensburg University)
27/06/2014, 15:15
Applications Beyond QCD
We study interacting Dirac fermions with chiral imbalance (modelled by a chiral chemical potential) in the mean-field approximation and find that the chiral imbalance is strongly enhanced due to spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. We then consider the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) in the linear response approximation and find that in a phase with broken chiral symmetry the CME current is...
Jana Günther
(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
27/06/2014, 15:35
Applications Beyond QCD
Since the discovery of the Higgs particle at the LHC it is possible to investigate the equation of state for the electro weak transition in the SU(2)-Higgs-model at physical parameters. We will present a line of constant physics and preliminary results on the equation of state for small Nt values. The data was obtained by simulation with a combined heatbath and overrelaxation algorithm.