10:30 AM
Elastic Hydrogen and Deuteron scattering
Barak Schmookler
(Stony Brook University)
10:35 AM
Initial state radiation as a probe of ep and eA scattering
Charles Hyde
(Old Dominion University)
10:45 AM
10:55 AM
Coherent gamma^* 4He scattering emphasizing desired t-range for 4He detection
Mark Strikman
11:05 AM
11:15 AM
VM production: electrons vs muons
Sylvester Joosten
(Argonne National Laboratory)
11:20 AM
Vector meson production simulations
Sam Heppelman
11:25 AM
Suppression of incoherent background in VM production
Wan Chang
(Center China Normal University)
11:30 AM
11:45 AM
Diffractive dijet photoproduction at the EIC
Vadim Guzey
11:50 AM
Diffractive dijets in DIS
Farid Salazar
(Stony Brook University)
11:55 AM
12:05 PM
U-channel pi0 production
Wenliang (Bill) Li
12:10 PM