May 20 – 22, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

The EIC Yellow Report Workshop at Pavia University is the second of a series of four workshops throughout the entire year 2020. The purpose of the Yellow Report Initiative is to advance the state and detail of the documented physics studies (White Paper, INT program proceedings) and detector concepts (Detector and R&D Handbook) in preparation for the realization of the EIC. The effort aims to provide the basis for further development of concepts for experimental equipment best suited for science needs, including complementarity of two detectors towards future Technical Design Reports (TDRs). 

More information is available at the EICUG WWW-page.

The workshop starts on Wednesday, May 20, with morning plenary sessions. In the afternoon, there will be overviews by the Conveners of the Physics and Detector Working Groups, followed by a session dedicated to discussing the workflow among the Physics, Detector, and Software Working Groups. The morning sessions of Thursday, May 21, are dedicated to parallel and joint sessions among the various sub-groups of the Physics and Detector Working Groups, and are organized by the corresponding Conveners. After the lunch break, there will be joint sessions among sub-groups of both Physics and Detector Working Groups together. The last session will be left for an Introduction from the Software Working Group followed by a Q.&A. session. In the morning of Friday, May 22, there will be a plenary open mic session focussing on detector complementarity, followed by a Q.&A. session on the status of Accelerator and IR design. The rest of the day is dedicated to the summaries of the various Physics and Detector Working Groups, followed by a plenary final discussion on next steps and plans.

Recordings: Click here!

The workshop will take place online only due to the impact caused by the COVID-19 health issue. 
