Computing Updates


This meeting was not held due to the EIC YR meeting. The following news were sent.

  • we have a test Zenodo instance for the EIC (InCommon) but it can only be accessed internally for now (pending conduit, will let you know when approved)
  • the OSG submit nodes are ready on all sides - you may test submission as soon as you wish - volunteer
  • Continuing some organization, a mattermost channel was created for computing
    I understand the software channel is in slack
  • EIC storage and tape drives - no ETA (we have purchasing slow downs)
  • mattermost <-> slack bridge (so slack messages would be sync to mattermost) is possible ; I feel we should investigate (as I am not a fan of may GUI / tools doing the same)
  • My understanding is that Dmitry is moving along with "a" plan to consolidate the PhoneBook(s). The only features we need for he EIC is really the ability to send that mass Email reminder.
  • EIC registration
    • A new category was added for computing
    • Our first testers had lukewarm experience (the GUV center is picky on the resume - the same resume accepted at JLab and FNAL was rejected / questioned at BNL)
      Jerome will follow-up.


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