High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[Riken seminar] Nonperturbative quark-flavor breaking at chiral crossover criticality in hot QCD

by Dr Mamiya Kawaguchi (Fudan University)


We discuss the violation of quark-flavor symmetry at high temperatures, induced from axial anomaly and nonperturbative thermal loop corrections. To perform the nonperturbative analysis, we employ a three-flavor linear-sigma model based on the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism, in which the flavor breaking induced by the axial anomaly plays a significant role in the light scalar meson spectrum and the vacuum structure of the chiral symmetry. In this talk, we will show the flavor breaking effects on the quark condensates and the meson spectroscopy. The critical flavor violation in the topological susceptibility will be also presented.

BJ link: https://bluejeans.com/871723105