Nov 10 – 17, 2020
US/Eastern timezone




Dear colleague - 

The workshop HEPData at RHIC will be held online on Nov. 10 and 17.  This is a companion workshop to the workshop on Rivetizing Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC (RHIC@RHIC)  on November 30 - December 4.  The registration deadline is November 1.  The goal of this interactive workshop is for each participant to format data from one RHIC paper for upload to the HEPData data base.  This will aid in maintaining the availability of RHIC data long after our experiments have finished.  It will also serve as preparation for implementing these analyses in Rivet.  Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of git, some programming experience, access to a Linux system, and familiarity with the Linux command line.

Christine Nattrass & Antonio Silva