EIC Seminar

Mariusz Przybycien (AGH University of Science and Technology)

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Access Code: 395-721-853

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      Nuclear PDFs and EIC

      Theoretical calculations for hadronic high energy process are predominantly based on QCD factorization framework which allows separating the perturbatively calculable parton level cross-sections and non-perturbative parton distribution functions (PDFs) describing the structure of hadrons (nucleons or nuclei). Because of the non-perturbative nature PDFs are typically determined from fits to experimental data. In this presentation, I provide an introduction to global analysis of collinear PDFs with the emphasis on the nuclear PDFs (nPDFs). I also provide a brief review of the available nPDFs and recent results as well as comment on the connection with the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC).

      Speaker: Dr Aleksander Kusina ((IFJ PAN))