June 29, 2022 to July 1, 2022
Physics Building
US/Eastern timezone

This event is part of the CFNS workshop/ad-hoc meeting series. See the CFNS conferences page for other events.

Location: Room C-120 (called “Peter Paul Seminar Room”) on the C-floor of the Physics Building. Once registered, the online participants will receive a zoom link via email.

Jet studies have played a key role in the exploration of QCD since its conception. With the advances in experimental techniques and theory developments over time, jets have become powerful tools for QCD physics, such as exploring the fundamental properties and regimes of QCD and probing the cold and hot nuclear medium in eA, pA, and AA collisions. In recent years, measurements of jets and jet substructure at RHIC and LHC have progressed significantly. In the meantime, theoretical developments in computing jet cross-sections and their substructures within perturbative QCD and effective field theory as well as introducing various grooming techniques have further triggered renewed interest and novel measurements in the field. Concurrently, Monte Carlo simulations in understanding jets inside both cold and dense medium such as large nuclei and quark-gluon plasma have seen significant progress in the last few years, e.g. within the JETSCAPE framework. On top of that, the sPHENIX experiment at RHIC and the STAR forward upgrade will start data taking in early 2023 and 2022, respectively,  and will undoubtedly provide exciting results on jet observables. With all these advancements, this is the opportune time to have a focused discussion on jet physics, to take advantage of the knowledge accumulated for jet studies at RHIC and LHC, and used for jet studies at the EIC. The usefulness of jets for EIC physics is highlighted in the EIC yellow report.

This workshop will bring together senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and talented graduate students to discuss the exciting recent developments and future direction in jet physics in both proton and heavy nucleus collisions, especially novel opportunities for jet physics at the EIC. The goal of our workshop is to summarize the accomplishments and provide guidance on jet physics, to inform the community on the synergy and difference in jet physics between RHIC/LHC (pp, pA, AA) and EIC (ep, eA). 

Organizing committee:

Physics Building
Room C-120
Room C-120 (called “Peter Paul Seminar Room”) on the C-floor of the Physics Building. Once registered for the workshop, the online participants will receive a zoom link to connect to the workshop.