Jul 26 – 29, 2022
CFNS Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

The 2022  Electron-Ion Collider User Group meeting will take place from July 26-30, 2022 will be hosted by the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (CFNS) at Stony Brook University.  The meeting will be run in a hybrid mode with the in-person meeting at the Wang Center and remotely on Zoom. The meeting will feature recent advances in EIC project including the evolution of the recent detector proposals, discussions regarding the 2nd Detector and most importantly, formation of detector collaboration.   

CFNS will also host a 2-day pre-Conference meeting for Early Career Scientists in EICUG. A separate registration page is planned for it: here

We are actively monitoring the COVID situations in NY. All decisions will be made based on NYS and University regulations. Anyone attending this meeting in-person should be fully vaccinated and carry proof of vaccination with you.

CFNS Stony Brook University
Wang Center