November 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Use of Diamond Sensors for High Radiation, Flux and Repetition Rate Applications

Dec 1, 2022, 8:30 AM
Lecture Hall 2 (Wang Center)

Lecture Hall 2

Wang Center

Contribution Talk WG8: Cross Cutting Topics Cross Cutting Topics


M Nizam (University of California Santa Cruz)


Funded by its Office of the President, a consortium of University of California
affiliated institutions has been exploring the use of electronic-grade diamond
sensors for applications in extreme environments, including settings involving
high fluences of hadronic particles (in excess of 10^16 Neq/cm^2), high instantaneous flux (approaching 100 J / cm^2 of deposited energy) and/or high repetition rate (approaching 10 GHz). Results are presented on the rate and efficiency of charge collection as a function of the electron-hole plasma density induced by the XPP beamline X-Ray laser beam at SLAC's LCLS. Additional studies on the intensity and position resolution of the XPP beam with a quadrant sensor capable of running at 50 MHz are also presented. Finally the results of a real-time charge-collection degradation study, performed at the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory on the UC Davis campus, for a hadronic fluence reaching 4x10^16 protons per cm^2, are presented.

Primary author

M Nizam (University of California Santa Cruz)


E Gonzalez (SCIPP, UCSC) S Kachiguine (SCIPP, UCSC) F Martinez-Mckinney (SCIPP, UCSC) Dr S Mazza (SCIPP, UCSC) N Norvell (SCIPP, UCSC) R Padilla (SCIPP, UCSC) E Potter (SCIPP, UCSC) E Ryan (SCIPP, UCSC) Prof. B Schumm (SCIPP, UCSC) M Tarka (SCIPP, UCSC) M Wilder (SCIPP, UCSC) B Jacobson (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) J MacArthur (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) I Silva Torrecilla (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) J Bohon (Los Alamos National Laboratory) C Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) C.T Harris (Sandia National Laboratory) T Prakash (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) E Prebys (University of California, Davis) D Stuart (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Presentation materials