November 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

A Cryogenic Readout IC with 100 KSPS in-Pixel ADC for Skipper CCD-in-CMOS Sensors

Dec 1, 2022, 8:50 AM
Lecture Hall 1 (Wang Center)

Lecture Hall 1

Wang Center

Contribution Talk WG1: Solid State Detectors and ASICs WG1: Solid State Detectors and ASICs


Adam Quinn (Fermilab)


The Skipper CCD-in-CMOS Parallel Read-Out Circuit (SPROCKET) is a mixed-signal front end design for the readout of Skipper CCD-in-CMOS image sensors. SPROCKET is fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process and each pixel occupies a 45µm × 45µm footprint. SPROCKET is intended to be heterogeneously integrated with a Skipper-in-CMOS sensor array, such that one readout pixel is connected to a multiplexed array of nine Skipper-in-CMOS pixels to enable massively parallel readout. The front end includes a variable gain preamplifier, a correlated double sampling circuit, and a 10-bit serial successive approximation register (SAR) ADC. From simulation, the circuit achieves a sample rate of 100 ksps with 0.48 e − rms equivalent noise at the input to the ADC. SPROCKET achieves a maximum dynamic range of 9,000 e − at the lowest gain setting (or 900 e − at the lowest noise setting). The circuit operates at 100 Kelvin with a power consumption of 40 µW per pixel. A SPROCKET test chip was submitted in September 2022.

Primary authors

Adam Quinn (Fermilab) Davide Braga (Fermilab) Farah Fahim (Fermilab) Manuel Blanco Valentin (Northwestern University) Seda Memik (Northwestern University) Shaorui Li Tom Zimmerman (Fermilab)

Presentation materials