November 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Novel Light-Field Imaging Device with Enhanced Light Collection for Cold Atom Clouds

Nov 30, 2022, 8:50 AM
Theater (Wang Center)


Wang Center

Contribution Talk WG4: Quantum and Superconducting Detectors WG4: Quantum and Superconducting Detectors


Sanha Cheong (Stanford / SLAC)


Long baseline atom interferometry offers new opportunities to expand the search for ultra-light dark matter, mid-band gravitational waves, and very weakly-coupled fifth forces. In this context, we developed a novel light-field imaging system that captures multiple views of an atom cloud with a single shot while also maximizing light collection. This enables a single-shot, 3D tomographic reconstruction of cold atom clouds, enhancing the physics capabilities of current and future quantum experiments using cold atom clouds. Simulation results demonstrate that this system is capable of single-shot tomography of atom clouds of size O(1mm) with O(100µm) features, reconstructing the 3D distribution of atoms and features not accessible from any single view angle in isolation. We also demonstrate this system with a 3D-printed prototype. The prototype is used to take images of O(1mm) sized objects, and 3D reconstruction algorithms running on a single-shot image successfully reconstruct target features. The prototype also shows that the system can be built with 3D printing technology and hence can be deployed quickly and cost-effectively in experiments with needs for enhanced light collection or 3D reconstruction.

Primary authors

Dr Ariel Schwartzman (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Joe Frisch (Google (previously SLAC)) Sanha Cheong (Stanford / SLAC) Dr Michael Kagan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Murtaza Safdari (Fermilab (previously SLAC)) Dr Sean Gasiorowski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials