Apr 25 – 27, 2023
Livermore Valley Open Campus
US/Pacific timezone

Participant List

89 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Hurst University of California, Berkeley
Aaron Tamashiro Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Adam Daskalakis Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Ajeeta Khatiwada Los Alamos National Labaratory
Albert (Skip) Kahler LANL
Alejandro Sonzogni Brookhaven National Laboratory
Allan Carlson NIST
Amanda Lewis Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Amber Lauer-Coles BNL
Amy Lovell Los Alamos National Laboratory
Anastasia Georgiadou University of California, Berkeley
Andrea Mattera BNL
Andrej Trkov Jozef Stefan Institute
Andrew Ratkiewicz Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Andrew Till LLNL
Angela Chambers NNSA - NCSP
Arantxa Cuadra Brookhaven National Laboratory
Ayman Hawari North Carolina State University
Bobbi Riedel LANL
Boris Pritychenko NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bret Beck Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Brian Epping Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Brown David NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Caleb Mattoon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Catherine Percher LLNL
Charles Wemple Studsvik Scandpower, Inc.
Chris Chapman Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Daniel Siefman LLNL
Danila Roubtsov Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
David Heinrichs LLNL
Denise Neudecker LANL
Dermott Cullen LLNL, Retired
Devin Barry Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Donnie Mason Brookhaven National Laboratory
Doro Wiarda ORNL
Emanuel Chimanski Brookhaven National Laboratory
Eric Aboud Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Georg Schnabel IAEA
Gerald (Gerry) Hale Group T-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Godfree Gert Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Goran Arbanas Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Greg Fischer Westinghouse
Gregory Potel Aguilar Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Gustavo Nobre BNL
Ian Thompson LLNL
Ionel Stetcu Los Alamos National Lab
Jason Thompson Naval Nuclear Lab
Jeffrey Vanhoy US Naval Academy
Jennifer Jo Ressler LLNL
Jesse Brown ORNL
Jesse Norris Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jordan McDonnell Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Keegan Kelly Los Alamos National Laboratory
Keith Jankowski DOE Office of Science
Kemal Ramic Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Kent Parsons Los Alamos
Kostas Kravvaris Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kyle Wendt Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Marc Verriere Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Marco Pigni Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Marie-Anne descalle LLNL
Mark Chadwick LANL
Mark Cornock AWE.plc
Mark Paris LANL
Matthew Devlin Los Alamos National Laboratory
Matthew Mumpower Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael Fleming OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Michael Rapp Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Michael Zerkle Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Michal Herman LANL
Mohamed Ouisloumen Westinghouse Electric Company
Nathan Gibson Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nicolas Schunck Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Noah Kleedtke Los Alamos National Laboratory
Patrick Talou Los Alamos National Laboratory
Peter Brain Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rajesh Ghimire Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Ramona Vogt LLNL and UC Davis
Robert Casperson LLNL
Robert Haight Los Alamos National Laboratory
Roberto Capote IAEA
Shikha Prasad SLB
Sofia Quaglioni LLNL
Sukhjinder Singh Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tim Gaines AWE
Vincent Cheung Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
William Marshall Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Wim Haeck LANL
Yaron DANON Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute