8:30 AM
The Challenges and Opportunities of training minority students in nuclear science at Georgia State University
Xiaochun He
(Georgia State University)
8:45 AM
Establishing Nuclear Physics Education and Research at Texas Southern University
Mark Harvey
(Texas Southern University)
9:00 AM
Promoting Undergraduate Minority Persistence in Nuclear Physics
Mohammad Ahmed
(North Carolina Central University)
9:15 AM
Wellesley College: our students, our faculty, and ample opportunities for collaboration
James Battat
(Wellesley College)
9:30 AM
Lessons learned - Experimental Nuclear Physics at Howard University 2015 - 2023
Marcus Alfred
(Howard University)
9:45 AM
Promoting underrepresented group participation in nuclear physics at FIU
Lei Guo
(Florida International University)
10:30 AM
Scope of Nuclear Physics Teaching & Research at UPR: Opportunities & Obstacles
Ratnakar Palai
(University of Puerto Rico)
10:45 AM
Physics at SUNY Old Westbury
John Estes
(SUNY Old Westbury)
11:00 AM
Facilitating Radioisotope Production Research Opportunities at Lehman College
Melissa Deri
(Lehman College )
11:15 AM
The Next Generation of Physics at Morgan State University.
Willie Rockward
(Morgan State University)
11:35 AM
Building Radioisotope Research and Education Capacity and Expertise at Alcorn State University
Thomas Ondera
(Alcorn State University)