ePIC Collaboration Council Meeting

Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The meeting agenda and materials are available via https://indico.bnl.gov/event/20856/

By consensus, the meeting was not recorded.

The minutes of the Collaboration Council meetings on July 27 were adopted by consensus and were added to the respective meeting indico page.

Representatives of the 2 institutions petitioning to join the collaboration presented their plans as posted and were available for subsequent discussion. The consensus was to vote electronically on the admission of each of the 2 institutions (for/against/abstain).

The elected Chair-lines of the Conferences and Talks Committee, Membership Committee, and DEI Committee presented proposed Committee. The consensus was to vote electronically on the endorsement (for/against/abstain) of each of the proposed committee compositions. An unanticipated change in availability of one of the proposed DEI Committee members meant that this vote was deferred.

The Election Committee Chair announced the outcomes of the elections of the at-large Executive Board members. The Early Career Group selected its representative on the Executive Board, as did the DEI Committee Chair-line. The spokesperson office chose not to propose additional members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board was thereby established.

John Lajoie gave an Update from the Spokesperson Office (materials posted).

The closed session resulted in the decision to keep electronic voting open for a period of two weeks going forward. This is an extension by one week.

No other business was brought up and the meeting was adjourned.


Electronic voting was opened on November 7 and concluded on Monday November 27 at 5pm ET. 139 valid votes were cast by that time. This satisfies the required quorum. The required super-majorities were in favor of admission of the institutions petitioning to join ePIC. The required majorities endorsed the proposed Conferences and Talks Committee and Membership Committee.

The Collaboration Council has thus admitted Nara Women’s University and the University to the ePIC Collaboration, and has endorsed the Conference and Talks Committee as well as the Membership Committee.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.