Electronics & DAQ WG: Timing protocols, the follow up meeting


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Coming reviews

  • June 10-14: DAQ review. charged by the project. Including eRD109, FDR of VTRx, and lpGBT. 
  • In few weeks: RDO review. Internal technical review on ongoing RDO design and prototyping work. 


Use a beam pickup signal in ePIC? - Wiliiam Gu

William: LHCb observed beam clock drift (14ns) relative to bunch crossing; Proposal correcting time-dependent beam clock drift relative to the bunch timing using a beam (bunch RF?) pickup 

Jeff: From the EIC common platform to GTM, the cabling is a few meters in a climate-controlled DAQ room. The drift is expected to be small from the cabling. 

Jeff: EIC common platform expects to deliver 5ps (jitter + phase shift) stability. To be followed up with control group. 

Elke/Tonko: not expecting this to be an issue. 

Action item: follow up with EIC control group on the specification of the quality of the delivered clock. 


Timing protocol specification follow up discussion - Jin Huang

Topic 1: BCO embedding in GTU->DAM link? 


  • GTU keep a 64bit BCO master clock
  • Use current proposal of (8Byte * 8b10b * 98.5MHz) GTU->DAM link as v0.1 specification, so test can start to find out where to change/improve 


  • William concerns using much of the link to distribute BCO counters is an overkill 


Topic 2: MGT based GTU->DAM links? 


  • Use ~120 MGT-based GTU<->DAM links, which simplify feedback signal and provide most flexibility

Action Item: 

  • Pick a commercially available board to start prototyping 


Topic 3: Unlink DAQ Time-Frames from Beam Revolution? 


  • <=2^16 crossing: 16-bit integer sufficient to locate hit’s BX in Time Frame; <=665us/300 events/10MB 
  • Exact length defined by GTU sync signal: most flexible
  • Don't have to be sync Time-Frame to beam revolution
  • Timely to put first specification given to be used in on-going RDO ASIC prototyping 

Action Item: document this discussion in v0.1 timing protocol specification documentation. To share within the week. 




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