ePIC SVT WP3 Electrical Interfaces Meeting

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      Speaker: Marcello Borri (staff@stfc.ac.uk)
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      Prototyping: Disk FPC
      Speakers: Sergio Rescia (BNL), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Zhenyu Ye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

      Update from LBL: waiting for 2nd batch of FPC prototypes from omni. (Zhenyu)

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      Prototyping: OB FPC
      Speakers: Joellen Renck (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Marcello Borri (staff@stfc.ac.uk), Todd Huffman (member@ox.ac.uk;staff@ox.ac.uk), William Helsby (staff@stfc.ac.uk)


      -FPCs under manufacturing, ready in about 2 weeks.

      -STFC issued PO.

      -Admistrative document to be signed by STFC/UKRI.

      -About spTAB: baseline for smaller pitch (suitable for pwr track connections) is 140um pitch: 70um track + 70um gap

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      Prototyping: IB FPC
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      Further brainstorming
      Speakers: Marcello Borri (staff@stfc.ac.uk), Sergio Rescia (BNL), Todd Huffman (member@ox.ac.uk;staff@ox.ac.uk), William Helsby (staff@stfc.ac.uk), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Zhenyu Ye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)